Experience of someone who writes online
Sometimes it can be helpful to know that other people are feeling similar things to you. The internet is a great place to be able to express yourself, share your feelings with others and interact with people in a similar situation to you. Make sure you are in a safe environment where you feel able to do this. There are many blogs and forums online with a focus on mental health; one of the students at a local recovery college has created a blog with a focus on how you are feeling and improving your wellbeing. She writes about things that she has found to be helpful to her. About her experiences of being online and writing her blog she said:
'I think it's down to every individual how much they share. When making my blog I became conscious about what I was sharing; was I sharing too much or sharing not enough? I think you just have to do what works for you – obviously keeping things safe. Things that could trigger other people unintentionally should be avoided to make being online a safe place for all. It is also important to keep personal information like family and friends to a minimum as once it's posted there is no going back. Saying that it is also so rewarding helping someone that you have never met and I hope that reaching out online has not just helped me but other people.'
Personal experience
Consider more:
- What will you do to protect your wellbeing when online?